b-connected wireless backup solutions from Answer360 Telecommunications gives your business an immediate, cost-effective, alternate connection in the event that your primary landline network connection is lost. These solutions can help you:

  • Protect your business from costly disruptions.
  • Stay connected to the Internet as well as private voice and data networks when wired connections are unavailable.
  • Continue serving customers and generating revenue, even during a primary access outage.
  • Ensure reliable backup or extend network coverage for business locations, including branch offices, retail stores, warehouses, banks or mall outlets.

b-connected provides a managed cradlepoint router that enables you to keep working without interruptions when primary network connections aren’t available. These simple, easy-to-deploy, cost-effective solutions ensure your business stays up and running through it all, which is great for customers and your bottom line.

Wireless Broadband and Internet

Please contact Answer360 Telecommunications for more information. 800.479.5562 / solutions@answer360.com